We deliver the best way to sanitize and disinfect your workplace, incorporating all of our years of experience, by not needing to close your office operation. However, we can do this, but it is vital to accomplish disinfection and your routine cleanings.
Our workers take extra caution and go further into their cleaning process to ensure that most bacteria are eliminated on hard floors like dining areas, telephones, door handles, bathrooms, and elevators.
Any timed cleanings or schedule you want us to follow, we can cater for. Before the day begins, or after, and even overnight. You will have an office that beams and does more than make the workforce feel better.
Setting perceptions for your clients is your primary aim. A precise representation of our ability to clean up to the expectations we dictate is how they feel when they depart.
We have seen the movement towards green cleaning over the years that we have been in the company and soon discovered the number of harmful chemicals you can find in commercially available cleaning products. It is no wonder you can see so many of your workers feeling unwell or having headaches repeatedly.
We switched to green cleaning and eco-friendly goods with no costs passed on to our clients. When our workers have reduced the effect of toxic VOCs in their work environment, you can immediately see a drastic reduction in ill health and allergies.
You can also find carpets with a thorough deep cleaning and upholstery no longer contain the same quantities of dust, pollen or other allergens that can plague your employees during the year.
Our cleaning staff have great regard for all clients and make sure they handle their building as it should be. If your office gives your customers and workers an idea, we have our cleaning services to explain how good the Office Cleaning Of Phoenix staffis.